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Your face is the most visible part of your body, and it differs from other parts of your body. Once there’s a problem on your face, you will know about it immediately.

This has resulted in a wide range of procedures aimed at keeping your face clear and void of skin Acne problems, and an example of such procedures is using the Acne face map system. Face mapping is an Ancient Chinese idea that a person skin reflects their overall health

Facial feature mapping methods have been used in recent years. These are more likely to rely on dermatology than on conventional thought. They are, however, still predicated on the notion that a blemish on your face is a sign of a larger problem.

face mapping has been an Ancient Chinese secret used in Chinese medicine thousands of years ago, it uses your face like a road map to diagnose the underlying abnormalities on your face and also on your body.   Nowadays, you may get a diagnosis through a variety of blood tests, skin tests, and scans, but ages back, a doctor just needs to diagnose a patient by seeing, feeling, and asking questions. According to Chinese medicine, it is believed that the overall body organ has different colors, tastes, and  warmth, and they also behave in a certain way

The liver, for instance, has been said to show in the eyeballs in traditional Chinese medicine. In fact, yellowing of the eyes is one of the first signs of jaundice (a liver disease): “That was true 2000 years ago, and it’s still true now


Pores in human skin connect to oil glands beneath the surface. The glands and pores are connected by follicles. Small sacs that generate and secrete liquid are known as follicles.

An oily liquid is produced by the glands.

Sebum transports dead skin cells from the follicles to the skin’s surface. A tiny hair sprouts out of the skin through the follicle.

When these follicles become clogged, pimples form and oil accumulates beneath the skin.

A clog can form when skin cells, sebum, and hair clump together. This plug becomes contaminated with bacteria, resulting in edema. When the clog begins to break down, a pimple appears.

Acne affects everyone. Everyone should take Acne seriously. It is, in fact, the most common skin ailment in the world, impacting more than 500 million individuals each year.

So, if you’re worried about a breakout, you’re not alone, especially if you’re a teenager. Eighty-five percent of adults aged 10 to 26 have had acne at some point in their lives.  Don’t be concerned; assistance is on the way. Continue reading this for an in-depth look at acne breakouts, including what causes them and how to treat them.



The gastrointestinal system is connected to the forehead According to the Chinese face mapping techniques. Irritable bowel syndrome, for example, can manifest itself in the form of breakouts or lines.

Known causes are

  • Depression
  • Poor Digestion
  • Inconsistent Sleep
  • Unhealthy Eating Habits
  • Hair Problems
  • Touching your face with dirty hands


The kidneys and bladder are represented as temples. Acne can be a sign of infection or inflammation in certain places. Medications that aren’t compatible with your body can potentially and also harsh chemicals in hair care products can also cause this.


The liver is represented by the gap between the brows. Because the liver is responsible for detoxifying. Toxins resulting from unpleasant emotions or a poor diet can be harmful to this area of the face


Bodily fluids are linked to the area under the eyes. Puffiness, eye bags, and dark circles can be caused by stress or a lack of fluids.


The nose is divided into two halves. The left side of the heart is represented by the left side, while the right side is represented by the right side.

According to reports, any heart-related blockages appear as redness or blackheads, and oiliness or breakouts could be a symptom of blood pressure or cholesterol issues. More acne symptoms associated with the nose are:

  • Stress
  • Poor digestion
  • Poor sleep
  • Unhealthy diets
  • Hair problems caused by using harsh hair products
  • Touching your face with dirty hands


The stomach, spleen, and respiratory system are all represented by the cheeks. Inflammation in the stomach can cause red cheeks. Allergies or sinus problems may be the cause of breakouts. Examples

  • Dirty pillowcase
  • Makeup brushes
  • Mobile phones/Cellphone


The stomach and colon are represented by the mouth. Ulcers in this location could indicate stomach ulcers or a raw or cold diet that causes the stomach to work overtime to heat up the meal.



When a clogged pore loaded with oil and dead skin ruptures beneath the skin, cystic acne develops. To keep the inflammation from spreading further and developing painful nodules under your skin, your body produces a cyst.


Excess pore-clogging oil is produced as a result of hormonal swings. Whiteheads or cystic pimples on the chin and jawline — the telltale area for period breakouts — can be the result of blocked pores.


If you like popping your pimples, you’re surely familiar with the thrill of peeling back a strip to discover it coated in tiny black dots. Blackheads, or plugged pores, are what you’re seeing. Oil and dead cells darken when they are exposed to oxygen, which is why they seem black.


Whiteheads are technically known as comedones, which is a fancy way of stating clogged pores covered by a thin layer of skin. They are normally small and skin-colored or white, although they can become red and inflamed when agitated. So keep in mind: don’t pick them


Treatment depends on the type of Acne. Maya organics has lots of Acne removal products such as;


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