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Is your weight and tummy fat giving you low self esteem? Leave a comment

However, if you do not have your Inner YOU aligned with the fit, healthy, sexy body you wish to create on the outside, nothing else matters. You won’t even want to feed your body foods that you believe will help it shed the fat if all you do is force yourself to take physical action while ignoring all of the inner stuff that drove you to become what you are today.


It will always be a struggle for you until you get congruent on the inside with what you want on the outside.


Self-Esteem and Your Weight

“Self-esteem, on whatever level, is an intimate experience; it resides in the core of our being. It is what I think and feel about myself, not what someone else thinks or feels about me.” – Nathaniel Branden


When your self-esteem is in the gutter, how easy is it for you to take fun, effortless action to create the fit, healthy, sexy body of your dreams? How could you possibly believe that you deserve to live in a rocking’ body like that when you think so poorly of yourself?


If you do not believe you deserve to live in your ideal body then you will not even be open to learning how to become a deliberate and conscious creator of your reality. You will not feel you deserve to have the body of your dreams when you have low self-esteem and you will not be open to learning a new inner (or outer) lifestyle.



Ways Low Self-Esteem Affects Your Weight

Here are just few ways low self-esteem negatively affects your weight:


Something Went Wrong, So I Must Be Wrong!

Low self-esteem will contribute to your faulty thinking that YOU must be wrong when things don’t go exactly as you’d have liked them to in your life. You cannot control what other people do – people will come and go in your life, jobs will change, circumstances will alter and the only thing you can control is your own vibration, your inner world. When you have low self-esteem though you think that everything is about you when the truth is, sure, you do have a part to play in your life and you are responsible for your results (absolutely) but just because things go haywire it doesn’t mean that you are now “wrong” as a person.


Look At ME – I’m FAT!

It’s one thing to be fat and to take healthy action to create a fit, healthy sexy body – healthy action that is driven from the belief, expectation, and feeling of deserving that, “YES, I CAN have exactly what I want”. It’s completely another thing to be living with low self-esteem and tying your self-worth to your overweight body, to your fat. The problem is that your low self-esteem played a large part in your creation of your fat body in the first place and low self-esteem will KEEP you in that fat body. The Inner and the Outer Always Match – Always, Always, Always (Abraham-Hicks). When you continue to connect your fat body with your sense of self-worth as a human being, guess what you’ll get?


You Feel Bad…So You Eat

Can you truly feel good about yourself when your sense of self is so low? Do you feel good when you have the continual feeling that you are “never enough”, no matter what the heck you do in your life? And what do you tend to do when you feel bad…do you turn to food, think that “what the heck, I feel awful anyway so why not eat such and such”. How can you feel good when living with low self-esteem, feeling like you just cannot handle the curve balls that life throws at you? If you don’t have the tools in your toolbox to know how to deliberately feel good now you will continue to bang around in your life thinking that controlling food and your weight is the answer.


To Make Weight Loss EASY

To make the quickest progress with your self-esteem and your weight loss, it needs to be easy for you to do it. What makes weight loss easy? A weight loss mindset, which is the mindset that Maya Organics clients get as a result of The Inner Self Diet! You see, your self-esteem and your weight is not going to change unless you take action now with specific, proven steps to change it. The Inner Self Diet has the proven steps. It’s worked before, and it will work again…but only when you do the steps.

To take the first step is getting Maya organics weight loss kit with a complimentary weight loss time table.

This is for you if you are fed up with being frustrated, fed up with your inability to control your eating, and you finally want to lose weight, and keep it off. Order your kit now, to take your first step towards struggle-free weight loss!

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