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Bamboo Charcoal Soap Leave a comment

Bamboo Charcoal is a purifier second to none. It is used to purify water and in filter masks to allow people to breathe in hazardous places. This also makes it the perfect skin cleaner for absorbing impurities and detoxifying your skin.


Do you want cleaner, brighter and healthier skin? 


Getting your skin cleansed of toxins and free radicals is vital to your skin’s health today. It is a difficult proposition in this age of pollution and Global warming. When you go outside you are exposed to the sun’s UV radiation, which can age your skin prematurely.


Indoor as well has outside pollutants bombard your skin with chemicals and other irritants that damage your face causing it to wrinkle and dry out. There is a simple solution to these problems and it is all natural as well. Bamboo Charcoal has been use for hundreds of years in Asia and is often call “Black Diamond” due to its unique benefits.


In today’s post, you’ll learn about this amazing product and some of the benefits it offers your skin’s health and When you have finished you’ll want to add Maya Organics Bamboo Charcoal soap to your face’s nightly clearing practices.


Bamboo is one of the most flexible of plants. While the mighty oak may be uprooted by strong winds, bamboo bends with the wind and springs back unharmed. Bamboo is used to create homes in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Rim that warm, keep dry, and protect their owners. Bamboo Charcoal has been used for thousands of years in Chinese TCM and herbal medicines throughout the world.

Bamboo charcoal has shape of the carbon molecule that is shaped like a small basketball. This material after carbonization is also called activated Charcoal and that’s what we are interested in when we are dealing with your face and skin


Bamboo Charcoal when blended into a soap brings you the following benefits:


  • Antiviral cleanser that kills viruses on contact
  • Effective against bacteria and is an antifungal fighter
  • In your bath, Bamboo Charcoal releases minerals into your bathwater such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which can provide warming circulation throughout your body. It’s like having a mini-Spa
  • Highly absorbent to draw out of your pores dirt, debris, toxins, and free radicals
  • Aids in clearing up skin conditions like acne and pimples that if left untreated can cause blemishes and scaring
  • Because of its ability to absorb impurities, toxins, and removing of free radicals, it makes it a powerful skin cleanser
  • Detoxifying properties


Bamboo Charcoal Soap changes the ecology of your face and skin
These are only some of the benefits and advantages you have to beautify and revitalize your face and skin. Puffiness around the eyes are an indication of excess toxin buildup, using Bamboo Charcoal Soap will rid you of that puffy look after only a short period of use. Today, with Bamboo Charcoal soap, you can balance you face’s ecological health, purify your skin and cleanse it like never before. Try in your bath or shower today and see the results tomorrow. You’ll be amazed at the changes you’ll see in the mirror.


If you are having issues with your face like acne, puffy face, pimples then you won’t be mistaking picking Maya Organics Bamboo charcoal soap.
Great result will be achieved Bamboo charcoal is used constantly within two weeks.


With 3500 naira, Maya Organics Bamboo charcoal can be yours.


Stay safe! Stay at home! Always wash your hands at all times! Maya cares!

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